Teaser Ad Networks

Their main task is to attract, engage, and motivate users to visit the advertiser’s site. Such ads are placed on websites with various themes: online cinemas, news resources, and adult sites. Below, we’ll discuss the features of working with teasers, payment models, and nuances to consider.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaser Networks

Like any other traffic source, working with teaser networks has its own characteristics. The main advantages include:

  1. High Traffic Volume. The top teaser networks are connected to thousands of websites with a daily traffic of at least 1,000-5,000 visitors each. With a single advertising tool, you can reach hundreds of thousands of users.
  2. Ability to Manage Sites. Unlike “Yandex.Direct,” where until recently it was impossible to disable low-quality traffic sites, in teaser networks you can add unwanted sites to a blacklist, ensuring that your ads are not shown on them.
  3. Affordable Traffic Cost. Teaser traffic is much cheaper than traffic from social networks and contextual ads—you can get clicks for as little as 50 kopecks or slightly more if the campaign is set up properly.
  4. Simple Campaign Launch. No complex settings, keyword selection, or bid adjustments based on traffic characteristics or display time are required. You simply upload creatives, select the audience, and you’re ready to launch the ad.
  5. No Ad Account Blocks. Unlike Facebook or Google Ads, the platforms listed in the 2024 teaser network rankings do not impose strict restrictions. You can promote even grey offers without worrying about account safety.

There are also significant drawbacks that lead some webmasters (especially those working with white offers) to avoid traffic from teaser networks:

  1. Lack of Precise Targeting. In teaser networks, you can choose the user’s device type and geolocation, but you can’t specify their age, interests, or exact location down to the neighborhood, as you can in “Yandex.Direct” using “Yandex.Audiences.”
  2. Rapid Audience Burnout. Working with teasers requires constant searching for effective combinations. One ad won’t perform indefinitely: first, a successful creative will be quickly noticed and copied by competitors. Second, users who see the same teaser multiple times tend to ignore it.
  3. Ad Blockers. Users who employ ad blockers simply won’t see your ads. Most modern ad blockers easily hide these types of ads.
  4. Low Traffic Quality. Due to the inability to target a narrow audience and the diverse user base, achieving conversions in teaser networks is more challenging compared to targeted or contextual ads. Some sites may even have bots that generate clicks without performing any target actions. As a result, the conversion rate in even the top teaser networks is lower than in Facebook or “VKontakte.”

Payment Models for Teaser Networks

There are only three payment models available for buying traffic in teaser networks: CPC, CPM, and CPA.

  1. CPC (Cost-Per-Click): You pay only when a user clicks on the teaser and goes to the site. In this model, the number of ad impressions doesn’t matter.
  2. CPM (Cost-Per-Mille): Payment is made for impressions, usually for every 1,000 ad views. This model can be more cost-effective than CPC if your creatives have high click-through rates. If not, it’s better to pay for clicks to avoid wasting your budget.

There are no other payment models available in teaser networks for 2024. The choice of which to use depends on how well you can manage your advertising campaign. Successful cases have been achieved using both CPC and CPM.

How to Drive Traffic from Teaser Networks

Due to the unique features of the best teaser networks, they require a specific approach. To make the traffic profitable, follow these simple recommendations:

Warm Up the Traffic. The main task of a teaser is to grab attention and pique curiosity. Users often click on ads out of mere interest and may not be ready to buy the product. Therefore, the traffic needs to be “warmed up”—you need to convince people that the product really works and is exactly what they need.

Pre-Landing Pages are typically used for warming up traffic. There are various approaches to creating them:

  • Imitating a Celebrity Blog: Commonly used in nutra campaigns.
  • Fortune Wheel Games: Often applied in gambling.
  • Age Confirmation Pages: Typically used in dating campaigns.

Create a buyer persona. It’s crucial to understand who will be buying the product: how old they are, what they want, and what they pay attention to. The more data you have, the better.

Due to limited targeting options, you can’t attract the right audience with a simple campaign setup. This is why a detailed buyer persona is essential: by understanding your audience’s needs, you can create high-quality creatives that hit the mark and avoid attracting those who are unlikely to purchase the product.

Use white and black lists. This is a must for optimizing ad campaigns on any platform, even those in our 2024 teaser network rankings. Any network may have sites with low-quality traffic, and you don’t want to waste your budget on such placements.

In white lists, include sites that generate a lot of clicks and conversions. If there are many clicks but no conversions — you may have hit a site with bot traffic. Add it to your blacklist.

Use trackers. They allow you to track user behavior on pre-landers and landing pages and accurately understand what they like and dislike. Moreover, you can precisely determine which sites generate conversions and which don’t.

Detailed statistics on teaser traffic will help increase conversions. You can turn off sites with low-quality traffic and refine your landing page to convert better.

Create as many teasers as possible. This is important because one creative may work well on one platform, while another works on a different one. Moreover, teasers burn out quickly, so you need to test as many bright and intriguing combinations as possible.

Constant tests of teasers and adding new creatives will help maintain optimal click-through rates. At the start of a campaign, at least 10-15 creatives are needed, and as conversions are achieved, more should be added.

Consider the specifics of the teaser network. Each network has its own partner sites: some have more adult sites, while others have more news resources. This should be taken into account when choosing a specific network from the teaser network list.

For example, Teasernet is great for driving traffic to adult content. Marketgid is suitable for nutra and e-commerce in general, and Oblivochki works well for health-related offers.

How to Choose a Teaser Network for Work

Select a few suitable teaser networks and test each one with a couple of offers. This will help you understand whether the interface is user-friendly, how often you need to add sites to the blacklist, and what results this traffic source brings overall.

To make the selection easier, we have compiled our own top list of teaser networks for 2024. We prepared detailed reviews of each platform and evaluated them based on several dozen parameters, assigning each a score in the ranking. The higher the score, the better the teaser network.

Find the ideal platform for yourself and drive traffic profitably!

Should You Use Teaser Networks?

It all depends on the verticals you are working with. Most often, they are chosen by webmasters who drive traffic to adult, dating, nutra, gambling, and betting offers. If you are promoting e-commerce sites like Lamoda or financial offers, it’s better to use sources with more precise targeting.

How to Choose a Teaser Network for Traffic Arbitrage?

Look at the convenience of the interface, traffic volume, and the number of low-quality sites. Compare several teaser networks to understand which one is the most convenient to work with.

Which Verticals are Teaser Networks Suitable For and Why?

Teaser networks are suitable for verticals involving impulsive purchases because they can be motivated with the right warming-up strategies. They are also ideal for those with a broad target audience. This includes nutra, dating, and gambling. If you promote financial offers, the results may be poor.

What Do Teaser Networks Pay For?

Teaser networks pay webmasters who connect sites to them for displaying ads. The more visitors on the site, the more you can earn.

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