Crypto Offers That Perform Best in Google Ads (and How to Run Them)

How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

Over the past few years, as the adoption rate of cryptocurrencies has grown, interest in them has increased exponentially. And affiliate marketing wouldn’t be what it is if its representatives didn’t seize the opportunity to capitalize on crypto enthusiasts.

Crypto offers are a relatively new area in affiliate marketing, and there’s not much public information available on which of them generate more conversions and good profits. If you try to find information on working with these offers in one of the highest quality yet most challenging traffic sources, such as Google, it’s practically non-existent.

In this article, we’ll briefly examine which crypto offers are best to promote in Google Ads and how to do it without unnecessary hassle.

How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

The Best Crypto Offers That Perform Well in Google Ads

Crypto offers in affiliate marketing can be broadly divided into five categories:

  1. Crypto Wallets and Exchange Services
  2. Mining Platforms
  3. Crypto Trading Exchanges
  4. AI-based Automated Trading Services
  5. Educational Programs and Courses on Blockchain and Crypto Trading
How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

Experienced media buyers work across almost all of the mentioned sub-niches. They use proven strategies and tools that not only help monetize traffic but also reduce costs. For example, by 2024, a real trend for promoting gray niches, including crypto, has been the use of trusted Google Ads agency accounts. Such accounts undergo moderation with priority, have a longer lifespan, and allow for higher spending. Additionally, webmasters can reclaim the remaining budget if the account gets banned. You can find agency accounts, for example, in the ScroogeFrog agency.

At the time of writing, crypto trading and auto-trading perform best in Google Ads, where the advertisers are online platforms for margin trading of cryptocurrencies and securities. The model for these offers is based on getting the attracted user to submit a request for a consultation with a broker. Within a few hours, a broker contacts the new client, helping them understand the system’s features and persuading them to make a deposit. However, even if a webmaster is 100% confident in the broker’s qualification and sales skills, it’s essential to consider a unique aspect of any crypto offer — leads in this vertical don’t make a deposit decision ($300–$1,000) spontaneously in just 10 minutes.

How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

Offers wrapped in the format of educational programs and courses on blockchain and crypto trading have also proven effective in Google Ads. In this format, the user is engaged through a paid or free course/webinar and is then encouraged to complete the desired action on the advertiser’s website, while the advertising platform does not raise any additional suspicions about potential violations of its policies.

An additional motivation for working with such offers specifically in Google Ads is Google’s updated advertising policy regarding cryptocurrencies and related products, which now permits advertising of investment products tied to digital assets, including Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Moreover, in September 2023, Google allowed the advertising of games using NFTs.

How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

How to Run Crypto Offers with Google Ads

To run crypto offers profitably and sustainably in Google Ads, it’s important to pay attention to proper account warming, selecting relevant keywords and negative keywords, as well as setting up effective pre-landers and landing pages.

How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

When it comes to accounts, the best options for working with the crypto niche are those with a spend of at least $250 and trusted agency accounts. The first type requires additional warm-up. You can start running traffic from an agency account simply by adding your own account to it.

However, given Google’s constantly evolving algorithms, a minor warm-up for the account, even when using agency accounts, is recommended.

During the warm-up phase, traffic can already be directed to a high-quality white page where all widgets, buttons, and feedback forms function properly without any issues. The white page should also contain a privacy policy page and be thematically relevant to the offer. For example, the landing page could be about a blockchain conference or a cryptocurrency rate forecast co-authored by a less-known crypto analyst.

Which keywords should be used during the warm-up phase?

The keywords should match the white page’s theme and be related to the main offer. For example, they could include queries like “blockchain conference,” “crypto investment courses,” “financial literacy training,” “cryptocurrency expert’s speech.” To avoid coming up with keywords on your own, you can use Google’s search suggestions and data from Google Trends. Additionally, to keep costs low during the warm-up stage, it’s recommended to combine high-frequency and low-frequency keywords.

Now let’s briefly review each warm-up stage:

1. Create a new advertising campaign focused on “Website traffic” with the goal set to “Purchase”;

    How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

    2. Choose the type of ad creatives;

    How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

    3. Specify the GEO and language that correspond to the main offer;

    How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

    4. Add a list of keywords, excluding trigger phrases that do not comply with Google’s advertising policies;

    How to Promote Crypto Offers in Google Ads 2024

    5. Set a broad audience, adding only age restrictions to exclude ad display to irrelevant audiences and avoid non-targeted expenses

    6. Add ad texts by copying and refining a few phrases from the white page.This approach helps convince a real moderator of the event’s or training program’s authenticity.

    7. Warm up the account for 3-5 days, increasing the budget 1-2 times per day.

    Main Stage of Traffic Launch for Crypto Offers in Google Ads

    Running ads for crypto offers on Google requires a special approach to creating ad copies, even for warmed-up accounts. Experienced media buyers and specialists from the special agency accounts services, which provides trusted Google Ads accounts, recommend creating ads for the main offer within the same campaign used during the warm-up phase. Here, it’s essential to add as many ads as possible with “grey” headlines and descriptions.

    After the ads are approved, the webmaster needs to link the main offer URL using a cloaking service or tracker. At this stage, the webmaster can also make adjustments to the “grey” ads.

    The day after launching the ad group for the main offer, it is necessary to add targeted keywords. However, in crypto offers, broad match keywords should be limited using exact match to avoid wasting the budget on non-targeted audiences. For example, the keyword “investments” may attract traffic from users looking for “investments with no money down.”

    It’s recommended not to delete the warm-up keywords but rather to pause them.

    Then, you can add 5-10 new keywords daily and build a negative keyword list while gradually increasing the budget to the appropriate level. After a week, the webmaster will have a campaign with an extensive negative keyword list and relevant queries that will live longer and generate a good ROI over time.


    Running crypto offers is becoming increasingly relevant each day. The audience is interested in various sub-niches of this promising and exciting vertical. Offers that provide access to online auto-trading platforms and “education” have shown particularly high conversion rates.

    Despite strict advertising policies, Google remains one of the highest-quality sources for crypto offers. However, to operate long-term without wasting most of the budget on ineffective campaigns, webmasters should focus more on the initial stages of campaign setup and use agency-level Google Ads accounts with enhanced trust.

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