Working with a White-Hat App for Crypto: Drive Traffic on Online Mining with Revenue Over $100,000

Driving Traffic with White Hat Apps for Crypto Offers 2025

Today, we want to talk about Gomining, which is an app that allows users to purchase NFTs (non-fungible tokens). These NFTs then generate a daily income in Bitcoin. By generating income we mean some serious business that helps people to start earning and not another rug pull scheme used by scammers.

Last year the app lacked payment methods and wasn’t fully developed. However, in December, the developers added Apple Pay and Google Pay as payment methods across all geos. This encouraged some testing because payment systems in online projects are crucial. In this article, we’ll tell you about the results of one of the tests.

Initial tests began on iOS using in-app sources.

Conversion statistics:

Conversion statistics

Since the offer proved to have good results, the next step was to upload many creatives to find “the one.” A significant factor was that the offer and apps are compliant with Google Play and the App Store (by the way, Huawei and Xiaomi have separate apps), with no bans. Ratings are at a good level.

During the first week, it was clear which creative approaches were effective. The next step was to drive traffic to find a proper creative. The top-performing creatives are currently in use, so we won’t reveal them now, but let’s see those that led the testers to the top. Gambling approaches, which were initially tested, perform worse than more product-focused approaches, especially when optimizing for ROI in traffic sources. Therefore, “emotional” creatives aren’t the best choice in this case.

Here are the working creatives that demonstrate the actual functionality of the application:

Creative example
Creative example

“Gambling” creatives with reactions and game simulations, which were abandoned due to low average purchase sizes:

gambling reative example
gambling reative example

In January, scaling on iOS began and it turned out quite well:

ios onversion statistics

Statistics from the advertising network:

The statistics from the advertising network

The offer also has its peculiarity — the constantly changing entry threshold for new users. Currently, it’s $26, but a month ago it was $23, and before that, it was $27 — it’s the minimum cost of an NFT. This does not affect the conversions at all. Gomining explains this by the volatility of Bitcoin and the cost of real mining equipment.

marlet section on the app

Since the advertiser shares statistics on purchases from our traffic, we see that there are NFT buyers for $10k, $20k, and $90k. There are no concerns from advertisers regarding quality.

The primary geo-target was the USA, yielding the highest ROI, although we also target all Tier-1 European countries but with lower volume.

The initial conditions were as follows:

  • CPA of $50 for all available countries (the list excludes CIS, Asia, and Latin America);
  • Payments are made monthly at the end of the reporting month;
  • After the first month, we agreed on increased rates, which certainly helped in growth.

In March, payments significantly exceeded $100k and have been growing month by month.

A crucial bonus in working with this offer: advertisers pay an additional CPA rate based on the average bill. For example, in March, testers received two payments — one in early April and another approximately the same amount after 45 days, as the average bill exceeded the average indicator (this statistic is visible).

For a deeper understanding of how differnet crypto offers work and which of them perform best in Google Ads, we recommend that you read our article, which examines in detail the main aspects of this topic.

Remember that there are some risks associated with cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency values fluctuate from time to time because there are factors that influence prices. The income can be unpredictable and can potentially decline. You should also be aware of fraud schemes and scams when dealing with unfamiliar apps and investments.

But despite some risks, the app testing with crypto projects was quite successful. Gomining app converts well, partly due to the current bullish crypto cycle; Bitcoin has reached a new all-time high, and there’s enough buzz around to attract new users to online mining.

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