In-Depth Study: Do Keywords in URLs Affect Site Rankings?

In Depth Study Do Keywords in URLs Affect Site Rankings 2024
In Depth Study Do Keywords in URLs Affect Site Rankings 2024

Hypothesis: Michał Suski, a digital marketer, conducted a study on the impact of keywords in a website’s URL on search engine rankings.


  • Top 50 Google results for 225,618,248 keywords were taken;
  • Among them, 15,950,992 had a frequency of 1000+ in the USA;
  • 8,351,235 were queries related to reviews (review, best…);
  • Type of occurrence: exact or partial.


  • There is a strong correlation between the presence of keywords in the URL and higher rankings in Google;
  • This correlation is less pronounced for more frequent queries in the top 3;
  • Particularly strong correlation for “review” queries.

Source: Surfer SEO blog

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