Google Banned Gambling Ads in Nigeria

Google Has Banned Gambling Ads in Nigeria 2025

On January 8, Google implemented a complete ban on all gambling ads in Nigeria. This policy change aims to align Google’s policies with the new regulatory framework in the country.

In November, the Supreme Court of Nigeria transferred the regulation of the gaming industry to the country’s states, nullifying the National Lottery Act of 2005 and abolishing the nationwide system. From that point onward, each state independently decides how to regulate gambling within its territory, potentially having a significant impact on the development of the gambling industry in Nigeria.

In light of this, Google has completely banned the placement of gambling-related ads in Nigeria. The ban applies to advertising for online games where money or other valuable items are paid or staked to win larger sums of money or other valuables.

Online gambling❌ Not allowedGoogle does not allow ads for online games where money or other valuable items are paid or wagered to win larger sums of money or other valuables.
Gambling-related products❌ Not allowedGoogle does not allow ads promoting the following gambling-related products:
– Promotional gambling products, such as vouchers, gambling-related bonus codes, etc.
– Gambling tutoring and educational materials, such as books and e-books.
– Gambling-related information, such as tips, odds, and handicaps.
(Published on January 8, 2025)

The following gambling-related products are also prohibited:

  • Promotional gambling products: vouchers, bonus codes, etc.
  • Educational materials related to gambling: books and e-books.
  • Gambling-related information: tips, odds, and forecasts.

It is worth noting that in February 2024, the House of Representatives considered stricter measures, including a complete ban on sports betting. This discussion was driven by alarming statistics published by the National Lottery Fund of the country: over 65 million Nigerians, approximately 30% of the population, bet on sports, spending about $15 per day. Daily spending on bets amounts to $975 million. Such high activity indicates a significant level of gambling addiction and widespread involvement of minors in gambling.

But there’s plenty of other options for driving ganbling traffic. For example, Brazil, where the state has approved the regulation of iGaming. Or some other South American countries, the regulation of which we covered here.

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