Compilation of Websites for Free Backlinks Placement

Compilation of Websites for Free Backlinks Placement

Here’s a collection of websites from the WEB 2.0 category to use as donors for link building. It really helps to increase SEO traffic. Don’t forget to use Google’s Gemini and Claudia AI for this purpose as well. On these sites, you can create your own blog and post articles with backlinks to your own projects:

  • The site has a DR of 57 and allows you to quickly register your blog on a subdomain. To register, simply provide your email, site name, and password;
  • With a site DR of 60, indicating a high number of external links. After registration, you’ll access the site’s admin panel, where you can publish articles;
  • Another powerful site with a DR of 58, where you can register an account and post content with a link to your project. For guaranteed indexing, we recommend using unique content.

Remember that sites are highly dependent on the niche, and black/gray niches may not pass moderation. Prefer promoting sites in white niches because despite having keywords in URLs, your domain may be blocked by Google. However, sometimes you can actually remove Google block from your domain.

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