How to Drive Traffic from Twitter to Adult, Betting and Crypto Offers

How to Drive Ttraffic through Twitter: Step-by-step Guide

Twitter is used by over 310 million people daily. 66% to 73% of the audience is male, primarily from the United States. A third of the users earn $70,000 per year.

When Elon Musk bought this social network, many said it would die, but the platform continues to develop steadily.

use of online platforms by demographic group

Many affiliates avoid Twitter because it’s unlike other social networks: messages are limited to 280 characters, a maximum of 4 images per post, and videos can’t exceed 140 seconds. This can be a problem when selecting creatives, which plays a crucial role in 80% of the success of any ad campaign.

We have analyzed how traffic is driven through Twitter in three Tier-1 niches: adult, betting, and cryptocurrency. We suppose that this social media platform can also be used for promoting nutra offers and can be a good source of influence traffic. Read this article to find out how traffic is generated, how creatives are adapted, and how to use Twitter Ads for better profits.

What Traffic Is Used in Twitter?

In this social network, there are two popular types of traffic: paid and semi-free.

Semi-free traffic refers to leads generated through advertising integrations in the posts of active accounts. In this approach, it requires fewer funds and creatives, but you need a batch of well-established accounts and an understanding of the platform’s specifics. The first part of our article is dedicated to this type of traffic and everything related to it.

Paid traffic consists of users who come through Twitter Ads. To harness this type of traffic, you need to have a budget and quality creatives.

Semi-free Traffic on Twitter

This traffic attraction scheme is simple: come up with a tweet, add hashtags, and track leads.

To make this scheme work, you need good accounts, which you either buy or make yourself.

If you don’t know how Twitter distinguishes between bots and real people, even high-quality purchased profiles can quickly get banned.

The trustworthiness of an account is influenced by several factors:

  • Activity: The platform needs real users who actively interact with it. Therefore, webmasters should create creatives, change profile photos, post tweets, and engage with others actively. The more an affiliate’s behavior resembles that of a real person, the higher the quality of the account.
  • Posts: Users share different types of content, including text, videos, and photos. The greater the diversity of materials, the higher the trust in the account.
  • Popularity: Ideally, you should gather 2,000-3,000 followers who occasionally retweet your posts. This helps the profile grow, and it gains trust from the platform’s administration.
  • Account Age: A good account should be aged for about two to three months. However, during this time, there should be activity on the account; otherwise, the age won’t matter. You can buy an account registered in 2015, but if the last tweet was in 2016, it’s not advisable to use it for advertising as the social network won’t distinguish it from a new account.

If you follow these these points and comply with the platform’s rules, you can protect yourself from getting banned for a long time and surely make some money on Twitter.

How to Warm Up a Twitter Account

Warming up an account for work on Twitter is done over two weeks and involves three steps:

  1. First 4-5 Days: During this period, you should post tweets that are unrelated to the offer’s theme. For example, if you plan to promote adult content, create a profile for a likable female persona and periodically post about her life, hobbies, and friendship proposals. At the end of your posts, add relevant hashtags such as #meetme, #date, #wannameet.
  2. Next 5 Days: During the next five days, focus on selecting the best profile photo, regularly changing it, modifying the profile description, and making your first retweets.
  3. Subsequent Days: After a week of this activity, start following potential leads, initiate conversations, and share non-explicit photos. Try not to follow more than 15-20 people per day to avoid appearing suspiciously active.

By the end of the second week, your account should be ready for promotions. This warming-up process helps the account appear more authentic and reduces the risk of being flagged as spam or banned.

How to Promote Adult Offers on Twitter

When you have a couple of ready-to-use accounts on hand, you can start your advertising campaign. However, it’s important to note that posting explicit pornography directly is not advisable, as it can lead to your account being banned. Therefore, you should blur images and label your posts as ‘Sensitive content.’ In practice, it looks like this

 'content warning: nudity' label example

In the profile header of such a girl’s profile, a link is placed where users can engage in more intimate conversations with her:

link in the profile header example

Sometimes, after the text, hashtags are added to help other users find this post:

hashtags and smartlink usage example

It’s better to choose offers that provide smartlinks. The audience varies greatly, but thanks to this tool, everyone will find something interesting for themselves.

How to Drive Semi-Free Traffic to Betting Offers on Twitter

Directly promoting this vertical is also risky: the platform blocks anything related to betting. That’s why experienced webmasters drive installs from the App Store or Google Play.

app install campaign example

Twitter itself confirms that this is convenient and profitable:

Probability of app install campaigns success in Twitter

Popular payment formats include payment for installations, pay per click, and OAB.

There are experts who drive traffic directly to websites. Such accounts don’t last long, but this approach is indeed used as well.

traffic drive directly to websites  example

How You Can Drive Traffic to Crypto Offers on Twitter

Advertising cryptocurrency is prohibited by the platform’s rules. However, among the audience, there are many who are actively interested in it, especially since most NFT projects are based here. Therefore, interest in such financial instruments continues to exist.

The crypto vertical is a pretty new one, however, it has already attracted thousands of affiliates with generous payouts. Find more crypto affiliate programs in our top-list here.

A popular direction for traffic here is trading.

Trading post example

Leads are directed to Telegram channels where ‘correct signals’ for the rise or fall of certain coins are periodically posted. Webmasters receive commissions from user deposits:

Telegram channel screenshot

Sometimes, they redirect leads to trading bots:

Trading bot example

Paid Traffic with a Twitter Ads Account

This type of traffic is purchased through the official advertising platform – Twitter (X) Ads. To work with it, you will need:

  • A good anti-detection browser: Investing in a good anti-detection browser is more cost-effective than risking bans on valuable accounts due to ‘suspicious activity.’ It not only saves money but also precious time. By the way, we have a top-list of anti-detect browsers! Take a look at it.
  • Proxies: Twitter has a strict anti-fraud system, so good proxies are essential for smooth operation with the social network.
  • A warmed-up account: Similar to the requirements for sending semi-free traffic, the account should have a history, activity, and some age. Purchasing an account from account marketplaces and manually customizing it for the offer’s theme takes just a few minutes.
  • A card for purchasing Twitter Blue: You need this subscription to run ads since it’s a privilege of verified users.
  • A card for funding your ad campaigns: Webmasters use their own or other people’s cards for this purpose. Either option works.
  • Budget: The optimal starting budget is around $50-100. With this amount, you can test any of the verticals described in the article

Now it is necessary to prepare for the launch of the advertising campaign. To do this, you need to go to the antique shop, connect a proxy, authorize your account, and buy a subscription. From this moment on, you can start advertising.

Go to the website

Twitter Ads homepage screenshot

A tab of the advertising account will open. Select ‘Campaigns,’ and then ‘Create campaign.’

"Campaigns" section on Twitter ads webpage

Next, choose the campaign type – ‘Advanced.’ In this option, users create a full-fledged advertising campaign and configure it down to the smallest details. The ‘Simple’ type is suitable for regular bloggers for whom Twitter is an additional promotional tool.

Choise of campaigns

In the next tab, select the goal of your advertising campaign. For adult and crypto offers, choose ‘Website Traffic,’ which means driving traffic to a website. For betting, select ‘App installs’ if the app is registered on Google Play or the App Store.

Campaign objective choice

The next step is to link the credit card that will be used to pay for the advertising campaign.

Link of the credit card

After linking, a campaign details window will open. Here, the advertiser specifies the campaign name, changes the objective, and selects the funding source.

campaign details window

Next, set the budget and schedule. The platform recommends allocating at least $30 daily to reach the audience throughout the day. Based on experience, it’s also not advisable to set a budget over $180. Additionally, it’s preferable to use a fractional number, for example, 150.56 instead of 150.

budget and schedule section

After that, uncheck the ‘Run Indefinitely’ option; otherwise, the campaign will run endlessly. It should look like this:

budget and schedule section

Below, in the ‘Site visit event’ section, select ‘Link clicks.’ This way, Twitter will direct your campaign towards an audience more likely to take the desired action.

'Site visit event' section

Next, configure the pacing in the ‘Pacing’ section. By default, it’s set to ‘Accelerated,’ which spends the budget quickly. This mode is suitable for limited-time promotions. However, it’s advisable to set it to ‘Standard’ so that the budget is spent evenly.

'Pacing' section

Now, everything’s left is to choose placements. For the broadest reach, choose all.

'Twitter placements' section

The next step is configuring the audience, geography, and platforms. The gender of the audience depends on the offer being promoted, as well as the age of the users. For example, for cryptocurrency offers, men aged 30 to 60 may be suitable.

'Demographics' section

You need to choose all GEOs, so deselect the initially chosen options to exclude them. The same for platforms, it’s advisable to select all to reach as many people as possible.

GEOs and devices choice

All that’s left is to set up a relevant audience by listing accounts that are of interest to potential leads.

'Follower look-alikes' section

The final step is to create and format the creative content. For convenience, the right side shows how users will see the advertising ad.

Ad preview

Note: In the integration text, it’s best not to mention cryptocurrency directly to avoid potential issues. An optimal solution is to attach screenshots of payouts and invite users to try it out, similar to the examples provided above.

Now everything is ready, and you can launch the advertising campaign.

Unfortunately, Twitter is not suitable for all GEOs. For example, the most popular websites in Bolivia are Google and Facebook.


Twitter has been and will continue to be a good platform for affiliate marketing. Elon Musk has ambitious plans for this social platform. The success of SpaceX and Tesla demonstrates his ability to see things through. For webmasters, it remains essential to monitor the situation, optimize advertising campaigns, and strive for profitability.

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