Crypto Affiliate Programs

Crypto is one of the newest verticals in affiliate marketing, but it has already attracted thousands of affiliates with the most generous payouts. Partner’s income can reach up to $1400 for one conversion, and there can be several leads of this kind a day or more. In this article, we will tell you about the types of offers in the crypto vertical, which crypto affiliate programs offer the best conditions, and how to make money in this niche for a beginner. We will also give examples of profitable cases from experienced affiliates.

TrumpYourAds is an international affiliate network with more than 1000 financial offers from direct licensed brokers (cryptocurrencies and investments). Partners from the start receive attractive rates starting from $1000 for all English-speaking countries, converting bundles, and relevant tools for earning.

More than 1000 offers from direct advertisers and the highest rates from the start – a review of the TrumpYourAds affiliate network. This affiliate program works with traffic from all over the world using the classic CPA model because it is the most understandable and transparent option for cooperation. In 2023, they plan to add several proprietary products.

BC.GAME is a direct advertiser of a platform offering users casino games and the opportunity to place sports bets. This platform has had a Curacao license since 2023.

You can earn commissions ranging from 25% to 50% under the RevShare model by inviting players to place bets on the official BC.GAME website through your referral link.

They accept traffic from all sources, excluding mislead, motivated traffic, and scheme traffic. Traffic is allowed from any GEO.

JBO Marketing is a modern affiliate program that can be used for making money by both experienced webmasters and beginners. The managers are welcoming to everyone and provide assistance at all stages for those running campaigns on social media, SEO, Adwords, push notifications, and much more. It’s evident that the creators keep up with trends and value audience feedback — there’s a user-friendly interface, cryptocurrency payments, and cool merchandise. Read the review to discover all the unique features of this affiliate program!

LuxeProfit is an affiliate network that came out of private access in 2019 and now offers over 1,000 offers for affiliates for any GEO. The creator of LuxeProfit is Evgeny Ovchinnikov, an affiliate who has been working with gambling, betting, and nutra offers for 18 years.

Yellana is a CPA network that has been operating in the market since 2023. At the moment, the affiliate network offers over 700 offers in various verticals, including gambling and betting. Yellana offers truly competitive rates — for example, in gambling it can be up to $650 per deposit.

Affiliate Top is an affiliate program in the financial vertical that entered the market over 10 years ago. It's also a direct advertiser of two trading platforms: Binomo and Stockity.

Your level as a webmaster doesn't matter at all; they accept everyone, from beginners to large teams. If you've always wanted to try yourself in financial offers, then this affiliate program is a great place to start.

How Cryptocurrency Works in Affiliate Marketing

Just like in any other niche, advertisers pay for leads in cryptocurrency. The flow of offers can be very different. The main one is CPA. This means that the user must register on the desired website and, for example, make a deposit, or buy a coin, or consult with an experienced investor, etc. There are also CPL offers where affiliates are ready to pay for registrations or requests (for example, for training in cryptocurrency investment).

Key features of the niche:

  • High payouts. As already mentioned, payouts can reach up to $1400. Though the average check in the niche is around $750. It depends on the GEO.
  • Low competition. Affiliates are quite conservative and will not test new directions if old-fashioned gambling and nutra are going well. Therefore, there is only a few large and experienced cryptocurrency teams on the market. This means that competition with novice solo affiliates is practically none.
  • A large number of offers and partners. The demand for the services of affiliates among advertisers is high enough, so many partners launch several offers for all who want to promote cryptocurrency.

There are also some downsides. For example, not all ads networks are ready to advertize cryptocurrency offers, and during a decline in the value of popular coins, the number of those who want to get into cryptocurrency drops sharply.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024
Most cryptocurrency offers exploit the hype around Bitcoin in one way or another.

On the wave of popularity and high payouts, teams from gambling come to cryptocurrency. It’s a niche with a new industry, similar conditions, but higher payouts and simplified conversions for those who already know something.

Crypto affiliate networks: a top-list from AffDays

Cryptocurrencies still remain in “grey area”. Not all “white” partners work with it. To earn a profit, you need to carefully choose platforms. At AffDays, we constantly monitor the market and review the best affiliate networks that have already earned authority among affiliates, attend conferences and participate in the affiliate marketing community. We have written a review for each affiliate program. Read, compare, monitor reviews, register and work with profit!

How to promote crypto

Crypto is a complex and ambiguous niche. Here you can make a profit from 1-2 clients, or lose money without getting any client at all. So let’s talk about main sources of traffic and how to work.

The most profitable ways to attract traffic:

  • push traffic
  • native advertising
  • contextual advertising
  • social networks

Push traffic is well suited for offers with a simple target action. The point is to quickly attract user’s attention, and for offers with subscription offers, they are ideal. The main thing is to clearly segment target audience by GEO, age, interests, and optimize the companies by using blacklists.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024
Examples of crypto creatives for push traffic.

Native and teaser networks are also a good choice for crypto vertical. The key thing is to choose the right pre-landing that will trigger the audience as much as possible.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024
Separate pre-landings for a specific offer – one of the most effective ways.

Of course, one of the best options for promoting crypto has always been social networks and messengers. The possibility of promoting legally into this vertical in Facebook and launching complex funnels for schematic traffic in Telegram bring significant profits to affiliates.

Also, don’t exclude TikTok right away. Crypto is a fresh niche with a large reserve of tolerance among young people.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

Crypto Offers

It is also worth mentioning that many crypto projects are currently being launched, where owners are eager to attract traffic to their projects through CPA networks. They can be roughly divided into four main directions:

  1. education on crypto;
  2. crypto exchanges;
  3. investments;
  4. trading and auto trading.

Let’s take a look at each of them.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

Education in Crypto Affiliate Programs

Some advertisers launch their courses where they explain the niche of cryptocurrencies to the newcomers and teach how to invest on their own. Usually, such offers are promoted with pre-lands with stories about someone who successfully invested in a certain coin and became fabulously rich. By the way, it is these offers that can be found with CPL flow, as this payment model is ideal for both the advertiser and the affiliate.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

Exchanges in Crypto Affiliate Networks

When a user wants to buy cryptocurrency or exchange it advantageously, they have few options, so every new exchange shop attracts a lot of attention, although not without skepticism. In any case, such offers are not overlooked by crypto enthusiasts.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

Investments in Crypto Affiliate Programs

Although the main value of cryptocurrency is that it can be transferred to any part of the world without restrictions on amounts and attention from the authorities, it is also a very popular way to increase your capital. Dozens of success stories, incredible price surges of this or that coin give an affiliate the most heated audience, with which it is easy to work.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

Usually, the offer is a kind of investment private project similar to mutual funds in classical investment in bonds. That is, the user is not directly taught to invest, but his money is taken into trust management.

Advertising networks for affiliate marketing

Trading and Auto Trading

In addition, crypto has become the top 1 tool for speculation on exchange rate differences. Many traders have moved from the stock market to crypto. The volatility of coins allows you to make 10-20% per month. So projects where a team of traders, crypto-bots, who trade other people’s money, are now becoming very popular.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

How to Choose a Crypto Affiliate Network to Make Money

When choosing an affiliate program, it is recommended to pay attention to the overall presence of such parameters as:

  1. Assortment of offers and rates. Many affiliate networks strive to provide their affiliates with exclusive offers at the best rates, while others simply take offers on resale. So it is easier and more profitable to work with representatives of the first echelon.
  2. Payment models. Crypto offers are mainly promoted through CPA models. It’s difficulat for a beginner, so if you’re not experienced in this area, we suggest that you try to find offers with CPL models and even CPI. There are plenty of options now.
  3. Additional services and technical features. Tracking, cloaking, bots, and uniques – the more opportunities CPA network can offer for the comfort of its affiliates, the better. If an affiliate program solves all technical issues and also provides some training materials, examples, and supports correctly – this one is the best option.
  4. Loyalty programs and bonuses. Expenses are rising monthly, so additional bonuses are worth paying attention to (although it’s not really a crucial point).

The most important thing is reputation. If an affiliate network scams payouts, there will definitely be such information in affiliate marketing media and chat-rooms, so before starting cooperation, enter the name of the affiliate network in the search and read reviews (including in our catalogue).

How to make money on crypto affiliate marketing: three cases

Affiliate marketing on crypto is relatively young, but every month more and more cases appear. Here are several notable “how-to guides” to learn from.

ROI 18% without risk

  • Affiliate network: Traffcore
  • Upload period: 09/06/2021-09/15/2021
  • Format and payment size: 8-11 euros for app installation
  • GEO: Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain, and Switzerland
  • Expenditure: $422.54
  • Income: $499.17
  • Profit: $76.33
  • ROI: 18%

In this case, traffic was dumped with a push through a smartlink to: CZ, SK, HR, ES, HU, CH, RO. The smartlink selects the most converting offers for each specific user. Based on the initial budget of $200 and average payouts for these offers (~$10 depending on the country), traffic was purchased from each country at a cost of 2-3 leads to understand the most profitable options.

The following creatives were used:

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

The best results were for this pre-landing:

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

Companies with creative ads showing piles of money performed best. In the end, advertising costs were $422, while income was $499.

397% ROI in Portugal and Greece

  • Offer: Bitcoin Profit Greece and BTC System Portugal
  • Source: Facebook
  • Expenditure: $20,875
  • Income: $103,795
  • Affiliate network: CMaffiliates
  • Geo: Portugal + Greece
  • ROI: 397.21%
  • Profit: $82,919
  • Accounts: Own Farm and Purchased
  • Payment methods: custom solution

The task was to test aggressive landings with stars, push them through Facebook moderation, and use uncommon GEOs for this. The biggest headache was Facebook bans on videos, which were quite expensive and were made with the involvement of contractors.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024

The most successful landing was in Greece. In the end, in combination with offers and call centers, it was possible to squeeze the maximum profit from each lead.

58% ROI through Facebook Lead Form

  • Offer: Crypto
  • Source: Facebook + SMS
  • Expenses: $7379
  • Revenue: $11700
  • Affiliate Network: CMaffiliates
  • Geo: Hong Kong
  • ROI: 58%
  • Profit: $4321

The affiliate decided to use the lead form to collect user contacts for a subsequent SMS blast. The creatives were created under the “earning money” theme.

6 Best Crypto Bitcoin Affiliate Programs 2024 2024
One of the creatives

The link led to a landing page. The cost of one lead from the form was $3. More aggressive creatives could have been used, which could have reduced the cost.

What is Crypto in affiliate marketing?

It’s a vertical where affiliates can direct traffic to various crypto projects related to investments in cryptocurrencies, trading education, and other ways of earning on the blockchain.

Which crypto offers are better to start with?

It’s recommended to start with offers where it’s easy to get a conversion. You take a look at offers with CPL and CPI flow.

How to successfully direct traffic to cryptocurrency?

There is no universal solution. Depending on the chosen traffic source and offer, the affiliate only needs to test creatives, pre-lands, and approaches in search of a converting combination. Also, don’t forget about managers who are interested in your profit and are ready to give advice based on their internal affiliate networks analysis.

Which GEOs are popular in crypto?

The most popular GEOs are top-tier countries. A high standard of living, a trend towards investing in society, and a large amount of free money allow you to work with expensive sources and get the richest payouts for these countries.

How much do affiliates make on crypto offers?

For each client attracted, you can earn up to $1500. This check can be found on top-tier countries offers. For regions with less financially capable population, payouts vary from $300 to $950.

What is crypto scam?

Crypto scam is any attempt to deceive customers and take money from them for a nonexistent service. This includes investments in obviously unprofitable projects. As the cryptocurrency niche is not yet heavily regulated, such cases periodically arise, although this almost has no impact on the affiliate’s income.

Can cryptocurrency affiliate networks deceive affiliates?

Yes, if you work with unverified affiliate network, there is a risk of being cheated. To avoid such unpleasant situations, work with networks from our catalog.

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