How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024: Landing Pages and Case Studies

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Health, sex, and money – three spheres of life that always interest people. While not everyone can become wealthy in a couple of weeks, improving health and enhancing one’s intimate life is within reach for anyone. To achieve this, there are hundreds of dietary supplements available on the market that can cleanse the skin, reduce wrinkles, boost libido, and enhance potency.

Nutra has been, is, and will continue to be a profitable vertical because the demand for quick and easy solutions to health issues and bodily imperfections is everlasting. According to the statistics, the nutra market size will reach $626 billion by the year of 2029.

Find out about the creative strategies used in the Nutra niche in 2024, profitable geographical regions for advertising, and the best traffic sources in this article. Our team conducted a study on this topic. Also, toward the end of the article, the author compiled a set of case studies on earning with Nutra.

We’ve gathered three converting categories of dietary supplements: weight loss, potency enhancement, and joint health.

Weight loss

A key advertising technique for fat-burning products is telling a compelling story. Your landing page should showcase clear “before” and “after” results of using the product. Please note that the example below features clothed women, which is typical for Arab countries. Using images of unclothed individuals may deter users from Asian countries:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Below is an example of a landing page targeting a European audience. Everything essential is on display:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Next is an example of another creative element – news, sensation. This is facilitated by the landing page format in the form of a newspaper article and the red color that stimulates the reader’s nervous system:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

The article is filled with similar “before and after” examples. If the focus in Arabic advertising is more on the female audience, here it is oriented towards both genders:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Another common detail in these advertising materials is a discount giveaway on products at the end of the text:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

At the very end of the landing page, users are presented with social proof in the form of reviews from “real people”:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Thus, the webmaster addresses the issues of both overweight men and women, increasing conversion rates.

Disclaimer: Inform your audience that while these nutra offers can be appealing, it’s important to remember that individual results may vary. It’s always best to consult with a doctor before starting any new supplements to discuss potential risks and interactions with medications.

Potency and penis enlargement

In this direction, two advertising formats are popular: a product landing page and an expert article.

The product landing page header lists the product’s advantages, price, and a form for collecting contact information.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

After this comes a section explaining how the dietary supplement works. This is necessary to convince skeptics. They won’t take our word for it and want to understand what will happen to them and how:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

The next familiar element to us is a discount giveaway. Users, of course, always get the best one:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Below the lead form is a standard block of reviews. Please note that the people should resemble residents of the specific GEO, and it is preferable to use photos of real individuals rather than stock images. Otherwise, users won’t believe it. Using Japanese people for uploads in the CIS and Russia won’t work:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

At this point, a person should warm up sufficiently to make a purchase. Therefore, the next step is a section for contact information:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

The second format is an expert article from a copy of an authoritative publication:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

The author of the article employed a good technique – statistics. Numbers are always convincing, but one should not overdo it with them. A cheap product with astronomical efficiency looks suspicious:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

After that, the website included a series of “cases” – documented patient experiments. The photos depict the member “before” and “after” the course:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

At the end of the material, there is a classic giveaway of a discount on the product:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Joint supplements for patients with joint issues

The approach is the same as with advertising potency-enhancing drugs. The author has created a landing page that mimics an authoritative publication in the selected geographical location. A doctor talks to the patient, explains the causes of the illness, discusses ineffective treatment methods, and presents an effective solution:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

The specialist describes the inadequacy of other medications and then proceeds to discuss the benefits and advantages of the offer:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024's description of the medication

The final part of the material is the discount, which is only active today for 12 hours, and customer comments. The emphasis should not be on the product’s merits but on the benefit to the reader. Otherwise, the material will degrade to blind praise and will be closed after the first paragraph.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Another land presses with compassion: the heroes of this story are a married couple who were happy for many years. Until joint disease spoiled their entire life.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

They are offered a unique remedy that brings back the past colors to life. At the same time, the heroes describe what else the product can be useful for, thus expanding the circle of potential leads.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

At the bottom of the text, there is a 50% discount on the product, but there are no reviews. This is a weak point of the landing page because reviews are often what motivates people to make a purchase.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Brief summary

We’ve summarized our analysis of landing pages and prepared a list of recommendations to help create the most optimal creative:

  1. Use clear and informative illustrations. Graphics, statistics, before/after images – all of these persuade more than words, sentences, and paragraphs. It’s better to show than tell;
  2. Include at least 2 payment blocks on the landing page – one in the header and one in the footer. The fewer steps a lead needs to take to make a purchase, the higher the conversion rate;
  3. Incorporate discount giveaways. People love freebies, especially when they are personalized for them;
  4. Add social proof. Photos, video testimonials, even plain text – everything works. People want to know how the product performs for others and whether it’s safe, as well as any potential difficulties. If it’s working well for others, it will for them too;
  5. Appeal to authority figures. Doctors, specialists, celebrities – these are the main voices that convert landing pages. People are more likely to trust the words of someone like The Weeknd than a manager from New Jersey;
  6. Split-test your landing pages and pre-landers. Split testing will help simplify user interaction with the website. After a couple of tests, marketers will understand which fields to add to the contact information collection section and which ones to remove to increase the conversion rate.

Anyway, one of the key things for success in affiliate marketing is choosing a right affiliate network. And you’re lucky because here, on AffDays, we have a top-list of Nutra affiliate networks with detailed reviews! So you’ll definitely have something to choose from.

Current traffic sources and GEOs

Facebook generates consistent traffic. It’s not surprising, as over 49% of users are aged 30 and older.

During this period, people begin to face their first serious health issues. To regain a sense of youthfulness, they need treatment, and where else to choose a remedy for their problems but on Facebook.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

A no less popular source is Google Ads. The choice of traffic source largely depends on the webmaster’s experience, promoted products, and familiarity with a particular service.

The GEO location depends on the direction of the promoted dietary supplements.

Weight loss products perform best in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Latin America. The standard of living is high, and there are no food problems. For example, in the United States a third of the population suffers from obesity. Also, make sure you don’t use banned words when advertising on Facebook.

Exercise equipment, gels, and creams for potency and penis enlargement are popular in India, Nepal, Algeria, and Peru. The audience there is relatively young, but it’s essential to keep an eye on the pulse.

Joint supplements are popular in Africa, Bulgaria, Spain, and Greece. Africa, in particular, is a strong converter: in 2018, only 25% of the population had internet access, but by the end of 2022, it had risen to 44%. Despite this, the level of healthcare remains low, so people prefer preventive treatment and prevention measures. For people who spend most of their day in heavy manual labor, joints have been, are, and will remain a relevant problem.

If you’re looking for cheaper sources, push notifications are suitable. Short text, personal approach, and vivid images are the key to a successful launch from this source.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024


Case №1. $8,134 per month from diabetes pills in Chile.

The team conducted extensive testing of clinic advertisements, consultations, and diets, but the “product in person” format proved to be the most successful:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024
How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

They started driving traffic to websites in January and finished in February with the following results:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024
How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Case №2. $8,503 on funds for boosting tablet sales over 5 months.

The webmaster promoted two offers: Revitaprost PE (Peru) and Revitaprost CO (Colombia).

Initially, he used Google Keywords Planner and noticed that the product was more in demand in LatAm. He decided to run it on a pay-per-click basis. When the conversion stabilized, he switched to pay-per-conversion and scaled the campaign. The budget increased by 20% of daily expenses, ranging from $40 to $200.

The first two accounts quickly got suspended, but the third one lasted for five months, thanks to the partner’s landing pages. The case author cloaked using a multi-login approach, utilized residential proxies, and mobile internet. The account’s cost-per-action was $100.

The results are as follows:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024
The interface is in Russian, but you get the gist.

For illustrative purposes, here’s a comparative table from the case author:

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

Case №3. $4,400 on joint gel in 2.5 months.

We ran a campaign for the Motion Free offer using Google Ads and KMC. The target geo-location was Belgium and the Netherlands. We set the target audience to men and women aged 45+ using mobile phones and tablets. Our chosen keywords were “knee pain”, “osteoarthritis” and “massage”. We created a total of five ad groups, each containing one or two ads and two keywords. The ad copy was provided by a translator. We increased the daily budget by 13%.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

In the end, we ran it for 2.5 months and earned $4,400 net profit with expenses totaling $3,359.

Case №4: $1,220 from Latam traffic on potency enhancement tablets.

The case author promoted the Alfaman offer on a CPA model for 19 days. They chose this offer because its call center operated 7 days a week, and the approval rate reached $10. The creative concept in the push was simple – an erect penis that women admire.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

The third creative performed better than the others.

For the landing pages, we used a classic approach: cut frames from adult content that awaken primal instincts.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024

For better profit, the web recommends using animated images, quick results, and explicit visuals.

The first test resulted in a loss, but the subsequent traffic purchases recouped that money. Over nearly three weeks of work, he earned $340 net profit.

How to Promote Nutra Offers in 2024 Case Studies 2024


Nutra still holds the leading positions among other niches. Fast payouts, constant product relevance, and an abundance of creatives in funnels allow webmasters of any level to try themselves in this vertical.

Experienced webmasters first study the GEO audience they plan to target, and only then start running tests. This saves time, money, and energy. That’s why there’s always a sweet spot in the nutra niche for savvy professionals.

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