It may be hard to believe, but any profitable scheme in affiliate marketing or money-making consists of simple actions that lead to good results. There are many examples of this, from successful affiliate marketing case studies that you can read on our site to interesting articles written by talented authors. One of such simple but almost genius examples we’re going to discover today.
Cleaning Services Videos
So, here’s a YouTube channel called “Change Cleaning Services,” which we will examine in detail and show you the monetization scheme for such content and how much you can earn from it. The topic of this channel is carpet cleaning.

First, we suggest that you follow the link to this channel so you can understand what we’re writing about and what you should pay attention to. As we can see, the channel currently has 420K subscribers and the channel’s main page is set up in such a way that Shorts are displayed in the first line, which receives a lot of views from mobile devices. We scroll down and see the next block of content, which consists of videos in the familiar horizontal format.

We can conclude that the author of this channel has a good understanding of content optimization and display, which leads us to the idea that he has several channels like this, as everything is done with experience. Next, we suggest you move to the “About” tab and learn more detailed information that the author has left there.

As we can see, the author has provided fairly standard information about the topic he will be making videos on and in addition, he has added several tags related to his content theme. Everything is done smartly. We also see that the author has indicated the country to which this channel belongs, which is the USA, but we all understand that any channel author can choose any country.
Another interesting case is a guy from Pakistan who earns up to $1,300 per month by making simple YouTube videos. Check it out!
The most interesting fact on this page is that there are no external links, which suggests that content monetization occurs through the official YouTube partnership program. Plus, we see that the channel was created on October 13, 2021, which at the time of writing this article means that the channel is almost three years old. And how the author was able to gain such a large number of subscribers and 220 million views over this period is certainly unknown to me, but one thing is clear, the channel author is definitely a professional in his field.
Next, we suggest you take a look at the latest video on this channel and find out how many views videos receive on average and how often content is posted.

The content is published twice a week, and the videos can range from 38K to 2.4M views. The range of views is certainly very wide, but there are many factors that affect it, which we will write about later. We just need to go to any fresh video on this channel and see if there are any links in the description or if all the monetization is happening through YouTube’s partnership program.

As for the latest video on the channel, we see the following: besides tags that relate to the content, there are no external links. This indicates that all monetization for the channel is happening through YouTube’s partnership program. So, the video that was posted 2 days ago already has 76K views, 1.5K likes, and 135 comments. But it’s worth noting that the video has a geo-tag that attaches it to an English-speaking audience.
If you didn’t notice, the screenshot in the upper left corner indicates the city of Houston. Next, look at the statistics for this channel and the estimated earnings that we can see using the “SocialBlade” analytics service, and then we will write about how to replicate the success of this channel.
Channel monetization
This channel has the following indicators: 408 published videos, which gathered 220 million views and converted to 152K subscribers in almost a year. The indicators are certainly incredible, but we understand that the author of this channel has been doing YouTube for quite some time, as we have no other explanation for such phenomenal indicators.

The income indicators for the month are as follows: from $2800 to $45300. Well, if you look at the channel’s annual income, it starts at $34,000 and rises to the threshold of $543,500. It is incredible that such a simple niche as carpet cleaning could yield such a gorgeous result in just one year of the YouTube channel’s life. So, to make sure of the profitability of this channel, you can take a look at the income details for the week, since the analytics service can provide this data.

The minimum potential earnings threshold per day starts at $42 and rises to $1600. It is incredible, but only the author can know the exact daily earnings figure in their YouTube studio. As strange as it may sound, we think the author of this channel earns at least $100/day.
How can you replicate the success of this author?
If you spend a few minutes and go through this YouTube channel, you can find certain regularities and a specific style, plus a format of content creation that the author uses. In all of this, you can note such factors as the regularity of video publication, interesting and clickbait video titles, and, of course, preview images. No matter what anyone says, regular content publication and “juicy” previews are major components on the way to success for any YouTube channel.
Of course, you also need to optimize the description under the video to make it rise through YouTube’s algorithms, but all of this is done with experience, and in the beginning, you should regularly publish new content to gradually raise it to a new level of development. Keep in mind that if you don’t have a YouTube channel, it does not mean that you cannot be successful on a different social media platform. TikTok advertising case study says that all you need to do is to be creative. There are also already existing offers that require almost no advertising costs, and bring in good profits like this one.
Modern technologies allow creating various original content without the actual participation of the author. You can make screencasts and publish them on your YouTube channel, while using a webcam or an embedded camera in your laptop, which will allow you to produce content without almost any investment. If you enjoy playing games, where you can show off your skills to a wider audience by optimizing your content for an English-speaking audience.
To do this, you need to record a greeting once and copy and paste it onto all subsequent videos. Everything is quite simple, and if you decide to try your hand at this, see for yourself how everything will gradually start working out for you, and you will reach the monetization of your content.
The most important thing is to start and not give up. Sooner or later, your efforts will be rewarded!