List of Stop Words for 21 Geos

Stop Words Facebook for 21 Geos Revealed 2024

Stop words are triggers that tell the Facebook system that someone needs to get a ban.

Where does Facebook parse the presence of stop words?

  • Text, ad headline;
  • Text on the image and in the video;
  • Text on the landing page (regardless of whether it is printed text or words on a banner);
  • Fanpage;
  • Profile and comments.

To make life easier, it’s advisable to exclude stop words from creatives as much as possible. Here’s a short list of what’s definitely not allowed:

  • Earn
  • Buy
  • Profit
  • Work
  • Hiring
  • Investments
  • Bitcoin
  • Passive Income
  • Employees needed
  • Side Job
  • Have Work
  • Offering Work
  • Remote
  • Guaranteed
  • No Risk
  • Income
  • Expense
  • Credit
  • Collateral
  • Debt
  • Cure
  • Fast
  • Weight Loss
  • Pain Free
  • Removal
  • Elimination
  • Enlargement
  • Trump
  • Biden
  • Anything related to the US politics
  • Discrimination (racial slurs of any kind, etc.)
  • Calls for overthrow of power or for rallies
  • Any calls to action (subscribe, like, watch, go to)
  • Specific clarifications (lose weight in X days with X method)
  • Better
  • worse
  • Results in X days
  • X hours
  • Want to be X?
  • Be like X
  • Any form of obscenity and slang
  • Specific deadlines
  • Attention!
  • Incredible
  • Amazing
  • You won’t believe
  • Believe
  • Phrases about curing incurable diseases
  • Lots of capital letters
  • Lots of punctuation marks
  • Meaningless symbols (#*&!$) used instead of letters or words.

And here’s a list of what was collected for the most popular geos in their native writing.

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Jim Bredshaw
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